Welcome to the Spirit’s Muse blog Magic, Miracles and Mystery!

Sunset Ceremony at Honaunau
Sunset Ceremony at Honaunau

Do you remember when you were a child and everyday was like a great mystery to unfold? And when you got up in the morning you couldn’t wait to see what the day would hold?

What if you could feel that way again?

If you have found your way here, it is my hope that you will find inspiration for the journey that we all walk. Much of my life has been spent doing my best to make sense out of what I was experiencing. As a child, I often had trouble making out what I was seeing. The energies were so intense and beautiful that I couldn’t always distinguish between what most would call “the real world” and the other world of energy.

I felt I lived in a world of magic and mystery. And because it was magic…..miracles happened every day.

One night I stood outside at dusk just before the light faded.  I suddenly felt the movement of air on my cheek. And there, swooping in front of me was an owl! He circled round me and then flew up into the tree.

Meditating one morning later that week I hear a knock at the front door. I decide to stay put, hoping they’ll come back later. But no, the knocking continued. I realize it sounds like a child’s knock and peek from the window where I can see the front door. Nothing. But when I run and open the door, there’s a crow knocking at my door!

To a local medicine woman these events have great significance in my life. Each one is a message from the natural world that I need to pay attention to.

Paying attention to our world allows us to live in a world of Mystery, Magic and Miracles. Every day I get to wake up and decide if today will be a world of the mundane or will it be a world of Magic. Most days I pick the Magic. And when I do, all kinds of fascinating things occur.

So, this blog will be about all those things in our lives that seem to be miraculous, mysterious and magical. This is not a religious blog. It is one of spirituality in all its forms, of metaphysics and how that relates to our lives and one of raising our consciousness and therefore our awareness. That awareness can be about our own spiritual evolution or it might be awareness of our place in this world.

I hope you enjoy…..


4 thoughts on “Welcome to the Spirit’s Muse blog Magic, Miracles and Mystery!”

  1. Thank you for sharing the stories of your experiences with mysteries, crows and owls. In raising our consciousness we each become more aware of these mysteries and their meaning in our life.


  2. Debra,Congratulations and Thank You!! This is fabulous. In these times it is so easy to go into overwhelm. Your words have grounded me by reminding me that I ALWAYS have a choice. I can choose to be upset, angry, hurt, etc., or, as hawk teaches us, rise above look down and be grateful for the lessons and blessings and even excited about all the magic that surrounds us everyday. The negative stuff passes, but the magic, miracles and mystery are constant. I look forward to reading this everyday and being a part of a very special community!! Linda

  3. I’m so glad you got something from my relaying of the experiences! I know for me that hearing of another’s “message” often shows one for me. Thank you so much for responding. Debra

  4. Hi Linda, It was great reading what you wrote. I’m so grateful you found the post of interest and also helpful. You’ve obviously learned some valuable lessons from Hawk energy. It’s fascinating how we can get these messages from animals, signs or books as our Higher Self seeks ways to teach us what we need to know. And it is like magic which makes it so much fun. Let your friends know and we’ll build that community.

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