Category Archives: Energy

You Aren’t Alone

Sacred Stones
Sacred Stones

Have you even been in a situation where you’re surrounded by people and yet still feel alone? Or maybe you’re talking with a friend but you sense that they don’t really know who you are? And maybe, you feel disconnected to yourself….not sure of what you want or who you are anymore.

And probably the most important question of all: when was the last time you connected to the earth, the plants, trees, animals, the sun and the moon?

We live our lives in busyness. Running from one task to another and always behind. In my coaching work I hear more and more people complaining of stress and anxiety. And it isn’t just adults either. Kids and young adults are constantly pushing themselves to do more and do better.

All of this leads us to disconnecting to ourselves, our family, friends and the planet.

Wild Ginger

But…..did you know that you’re never alone?

We are all made of the same matter and energy as everything else in our world. We just vibrate at different rates creating a sense of separateness. If we were to “tune” in to the vibrations around us we’d realize that at any moment, we are one with all that surrounds us.

And we have connections to every animal, person, plant, tree……every form of life.

It just takes opening up to this connection by our willingness to bypass the critical logical mind and remembering who we are.

Ancestors in the stone

When you learn to remember, you’ll find your never alone. We have our Higher Self…..the part of us that is connected to Spirit. The Higher Self does it’s best to guide us, only to have us refuse to listen.

We have our ancestors, from this life and others. They often have a hand in many of our life decisions.

We have guides from the Elementals (the “rulers” of the element kingdoms), the Devas that give structure to the plant world, power animals to assist us whenever needed and beings from the “angelic” realm.

Stone Guardian
Stone guardian

All available to us when needed……if only we remember!

And, if we let down the blinders on our eyes to see the energy of others, we would be aware of how often we exchange energy and breathe each other’s breath.

We are never alone! There is a world of energy available to us every movement. If we just remember.

If you feel a calling to learn how to connect to these energies, join us in Sedona this April. Check it out at:


How To Read Energy

auraOf all the things my clients and students seem to find the most fascinating is that of learning to see, hear and read energy. Most people know that we are energetic bodies with more space than solidity. Ancient Wisdom knew it and now quantum physics has proven it.

But to be able to see that energy or even feel it is something a lot of people want to do but don’t quite know how.

The first and most important aspect of energetic reading is to realize that we project our own assumptions, thoughts, emotions, feelings and judgements on others all the time. The same goes with the energy readings. In my workshops, students are not allowed to “decide” what a color or shape might mean. We’re only allowed to notice what is taking place with the energy.

In seeing and reading auras my entire life, it’s clear to me that there is no one way for everyone.

Take colors: we often think that if we see a red aura it means the person is angry. Not true. Sometimes yes but not always. Red color can indicate agitation, love, anger, eagerness, physical distress, anticipation….pretty much anything. To presume that you know what another is feeling or thinking while reading an aura is a dangerous game to play. And if you project your assumptions onto someone else, you’ll miss what’s really going on as well as run the risk of installing something within their mind.

The most common way to read an aura/energetic body is to notice the shape and what it’s doing. In N.L.P. we use the term calibration when paying attention to the minute differences in a person’s expression, voice tonality and even muscle tone. Paying attention and calibrating a person’s energetic body is one of the best ways to know something is going on with them. Again, we don’t assume to know what that is.

The best way to learn the differences in a person’s aura/energetic body is to pay attention to it over a period of time. You can make note of certain aspects of the aura while also asking them what they are experiencing.

For instance:

  • I’ve noticed with my daughter (who has Lupus) that when her aura gets all “spikey” she’s about to have a migraine headache. Or if it looks like someone threw buckets of different colors on her all at once, that her body is starting to have needle like pain.
    • I watched her over a period of time and began asking her what was happening before accepting that those particular expressions meant specific things.


  • One of the grossest things I’ve seen energetically is the dark slimy looking energy snaking across the floor from men who are on the make. Most women, even if they don’t see that energy know exactly what it feels like!
  • I once watched a woman’s aura get a brittle like texture and found out later she was blatantly lying.

Our auras do all kinds of things from changing colors and shapes to expanding and contracting. And we have seven “layers” of auras which can make things really interesting.

Having said all the warnings, there does seem to be some common expressions of the aura in people. Again, you need to pay attention and ask questions.


An aura that:

  • Looks flat and flowing downward can indicate sadness or depression.
  • Flares shooting out can show that the person is very agitated or mad.
  • “Hot or dark spots” can indicate disease or problems in those areas of the body.
  • Turns green when near another person often means they’re healers (even if they aren’t aware of it).
  • Babies often have soft flowing auras reaching out to the world.

So how do you go about seeing auras?

I firmly believe that we all see auras when we’re children. But the adults in our world talk us out of seeing them by telling us to stop making things up or that we’re being silly. Unfortunately, that tends to set us up for a belief that we can’t see them. And we carry that belief over into adulthood. To start seeing auras, if you have this belief, might be challenging but certainly doable.

Here’s an Exercise we use in our workshop:

Seeing the energy off the tips of your fingertips is pretty easy. We concentrate a lot of energy on these points.

  • You want to start in a room which isn’t too bright with light and a doorway facing a dark hall. Stand in the doorway with your back toward the room so that you’re facing the hall.
  • Take your hands and place them about 8 – 10 inches away from your face (so that you’re looking right at them.)
  • Strongly press the tips of each pointer finger together and while looking directly at your fingertips, move your hands slowly away from each other (about 6 inches apart).
  • You should see a whitish band between your fingertips. It almost looks like rubber bands.
  • Move your fingertips back to the original position touching and slowly move them apart again until you see the whitish, almost fog like energy between them.

lightIf at first you don’t see the energy try other places. Facing a dark wall works for some and for others a lighter wall. Remember to really press the tips of the fingers together and to slowly pull them apart…it should feel like pulling taffy apart. Take your time.

It can take several tries, although most get it in the first go round…..just keep it up.

Energy is all around us. Once you start seeing it, you’ll catch glimpses of it with animals, plants and most often with trees (the tops of trees are easiest). It takes practice but you can do it.

If you’d like to really learn more about the energetic body, seeing and manipulating energy and using it for your own healing, go to and join us for our Sedona workshop in February TBD


What Are You? Air, Earth, Fire or Water?

elementsOur bodies aren’t as separate from the external world as we might sometimes think. At our deepest level we are a part of the natural world, composed of the elements both physically and meta-physically, with each of the five elements within us.

In the Western world these are: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Spirit. In the Eastern world they are: Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Metal. I’ll be talking about the Western mindset of elements.

Generally, one or two elements will be stronger than the others as we move through our day, week or cycle. Much of this depends on what’s happening in our lives at the time.

For instance, if we are taking care of a sick child we are accessing our nurturing element of water. If we’re angry and lashing out we’re activating the fire element within. Each element carries attributes, strengths and weaknesses.

We can also express a particular element more than others, which directly relates to the external world. Someone who “has” to live near a body of water may activate more of the water element than one who likes to live inland near a forest or mountain. If the “water person” moves to an inland location they may find themselves feeling “landlocked”. And one who likes the forest and mountains might feel off balance living far from the stability of a tree or mountain.

Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health rides on whether we can utilize all five elements in a balanced rhythmic dance. If we continually access one over the other we can actually get stuck in that element causing an imbalance that leads to illness, disease or lack of harmony in our lives.

Knowing what our predominant element is and which one(s) we’re using can be useful in understanding ourselves. We can also look to the elements to help us get out of stuck situations, sticky relationships and to deal with other issues in our lives.

Let’s look at each element and it’s properties.

Fire: Passion and inspiration, the male activating principle, expansion and desire. It is a cleansing element. Fire consumes other elements.

Fire people are natural born leaders and generally interesting to be around. They often become inspired and will get bored easily with routines. Due to their energy, they are the life of the party and people gravitate to them. But, they can run right over other people with their intensity and self-righteousness. Typically hot-tempered and impulsive…..quite literally the “fiery-tempered” personality.

waterWater: Emotions, it’s magnetic, the female principle, nurturing, coolness and contraction. It is our unconscious and intuition.

It’s all about the heart to a water person. They feel and empathize with you and are great at listening. Water people tend to be artistic and creative and many gravitate toward the mystical practices.   The emotions run high with a water person causing them to feel things greatly and cry easily. Unfortunately, the negative side of this can lead to depression.

earthEarth: The grounding principle, solid, stable, foundation of all the elements, fertile, The Great Mother.

Earth people need to feel grounded or “rooted” to wherever they live. Their home is important to them. Not usually a dreamer, the earth person takes it one step at a time, able to postpone gratification to get the goal. Patience is a strong quality. Most earth people will marry and stay in long committed relationships. Just like a mountain, earth people can be stubborn to the point of never moving forward.

ariAir: Thought, movement, communication, ideas, knowledge, and dreams.

The Air person has a gift for the gab. Excellent communicators as well as story-tellers. They like to think things through rather than feel them. Air people are individualists and freethinkers who can hold many thoughts at once. Too much air can cause an air person to become the intellectual who can’t share his thoughts with anyone, often lacking social graces.

Sunset Ceremony at HonaunauSpirit: Binding energy of the other four. Realm of potentiality, source of all energy, completely balanced.

Spirit is in all of us and everything and everywhere. It unites all things. It is that spark of life within us and our connection to the “greater something”. It is perfectly balanced energy of all the elements and cannot be defined.

To put it all together, take a look at the attributes of each element and notice what seems to look or resonate most with you. If you tend to be more emotional than analytical, you would associate with water. If you’re energetic and people seem to be drawn to you, you would associate with fire. If you find it important to spend a lot of time in nature and seem more at ease there, you’d probably pick earth. And if you like to really think things through and are often considered an idea person you would pick air.

Since we contain all the elements in ourselves and we are multidimensional beings, we usually run more than one element at a time. Identifying what your predominant element is and the other element(s) you’re running at any moment can help you in changing situations.

It’s then a matter of accessing the element, which would most assist in activating the change you desire.

How to utilize the elements to create change…….to be continued in the next post.….

If you’re really interested in the elements—both in the Macrocosm and Microcosm check out the upcoming training in February 2017. We’ll be spending time learning about the elements, the Elementals and teaching you to access and manipulate them at will.

Go to: to learn more.
