Tag Archives: synchronistic

The Regal Heron

It’s very common for people who are interested in totems to search Goggle or go to different books and look up the meanings of them. And you learn some great information. But…..often times the meaning of the totem is one that is not necessarily a generalized one.

For instance, lately when I’ve been walking the dog along the marinas, I’ve seen more Herons than normal. Now I see Blue Herons all the time but these particular ones are fishing. And I see them catch the fish.

There is one who usually hides behind a small boat and at the opportune moment spears the fish. It’s interesting to watch him, as he is very focused. First, he stands perfectly still…never moves. Then, when he sees his prey, he very very carefully and slowly moves one leg and then other to get closer. And almost so fast you don’t see it, he spears the fish. What amazes me is how still, focused and patient he is while waiting.

A day or two after watching that Blue Heron, I was writing at my desk when I heard a ruckus outside….sounded like dinosaurs fighting! (At least what I imagined they would have sounded like) There was a Blue Heron with a fish and 3 gulls trying to get it from him. He was not about to let them and even with the fish between his bills, managed to make a lot of noise about it. Before living at the beach, I had no idea at just how noisy Herons can be and what bullies gulls are at times!

Blue Heron Medicine typically means the ability to be a Renaissance man or woman. They follow their own path, which is unstructured. Not everyone is comfortable living this way as they perceive it as being without stability or security and yet it actually has it’s own security. Heron Medicine indicates that if one approach isn’t working then try another.

As I carry much Heron Medicine, I was familiar with all these attributes. This seemed different though. Maybe because they were getting my attention….even to the point that one of them was screeching at me to notice him.

So what does it mean?

When trying to analyze the meaning of a totem or message from the universe, one trick is to notice what specifically captured your attention.

Two things stand out in the experience for me. The first Heron showed massive patience, focus and goal orientation. That’s a pretty good lesson. Regardless of how much we vibrate to a specific feeling or desire we must put in the physical work and focus on our desire.

The second Heron’s “work or reward” was jeopardized by the gulls. This to me was a clear message that is common to the witnessing of smaller birds attacking a larger bird. To many aboriginals, this is a sign that someone is or may make an attempt to jeopardize or basically “make small” of something you’re doing.

Both of these messages made perfect sense to me. I am in the process of refocusing my business on a path that I’ve wanted to travel for years. For years I have longed to create a full-on Mystery School that blended the ancient wisdom with the modern magic.  I just recently set up the first of the certification workshops for this goal.

Before, I did not feel it was the right time. And I know that some people may not see the beauty or the “Spirit” drive behind it.

To me, Blue Heron was signaling me to keep my focus……to be patient….and to follow Spirit about the project.

If you’re interested in learning more about the ancient healing wisdom for self and others, check out: http://www.spiritsmuse.com/ancientwisdom.html



Since ancient time, man has looked to animals for comfort, companionship and guidance. We have considered them messengers of the gods, healers and a direct link to nature for us.

Most of the ancient cultures revered animals and often worshipped them. In Egypt, cats were considered to be closer to the gods than man could ever be. The Jaguar was worshipped by the Mayans for its agility, cunning and stealth and Hawaiians carry their Aumakua, an ancestral spirit thought to have taken animal form.

We feel drawn to certain animals. Some of us even collect pictures or statues of a specific animal. And then there are those people who receive healing and a spiritual uplifting from being in close proximity to animals.

For many, swimming with dolphins is an extraordinary experience. We know from research that dolphins talk to one another through clicks and whistles. They are playful, very sexual and even have helpers when a female is giving birth.

Handicapped and autistic children are known to respond to dolphins and horses. And dogs are used in hospitals and homes for the elderly for healing and giving meaning to lives.

In ancient times, man attempted to understand his world. He looked at synchronistic events as messages from the gods. He turned to nature for answers to foresee what events might take place.

According to the Native American belief system, each individual is accompanied by nine different animal guides. They can come in and out of our lives depending on our needs and we can access their assistance at will. We also have one that is our main totem which guides us our whole life.

I was attempting to meditate one day and had just settled in when there was a knocking at the front door. Since I had waited all day to meditate, I choose to just stay put thinking whoever it was would leave. As I started to relax there was more knocking at the door. I went to my window where I can sometimes tell if there’s anyone at the door. I didn’t see anyone so assumed they had gone on. Just as I began to relax again, the knocking started. This time, I was agitated. We live in an older house with a small “door” window instead of a peep hole. I quickly went to the door and opened the latch of the window and no one was there. Again I went back to my room and got into the groove when the knocking started. Now I was really aggravated. I raced to the front door, threw it open and no one was there! Finally, looking down…..there was a crow at my feet.

Crow had been knocking at my door!

Another time, the crows in the trees in the front of the house were making more racket than normal. I went out to see what was up. I couldn’t tell if anything out of the ordinary was going on so I went back into the house. Shortly though, the racket was so loud I decided to take another look. Still seeing nothing, I noticed the direction in which the crows were looking. There, between my house and the neighbor’s was a dead crow. As I approached it, the crows went crazy cawing at me. I quickly ran back in the house and got a towel and went back to the dead crow. Again, the crows were having a fit. When I reached down and picked up the dead crow, all the crows went silent. Not a single caw from any of them. Not then and not for quite a while afterward.

Crow Medicine or the energy of the crow is about the unknown mysteries of the universe and they are considered the keepers of sacred law. As a teacher of ancient ways, the totem of the crow reminds me to keep the sacred laws pure as does the totem of the Jaguar. It’s always been important to me to present the teachings in their purest form available rather than do what I call “pablum” lessons…..turning them into a bland imitation of the original meanings.

Some people just seem to know what their animal totems are. To help you discover yours, notice which of these you have experienced.

  • Do you feel drawn to one animal without being able to explain why?
  • What animals consistently appear in your life?
  • Do you receive cards or letters with the same animal, or turn on the TV and see nature shows featuring that animal?
  • Do you find yourself reading stories in the papers or the internet about the animal?
  • Do your dreams feature a specific animal?

Once you feel you’ve discovered your totems, pay attention to the times they show up in your life. When they do, check out the meanings and see what messages that animal is trying to convey. You just might be surprised!

Check out these great pictures of people’s totems done by the artist Mike McCarthy at www.michaelmccarthystudio.com/. Go to “Gallery” and then “Spirit”. Michael attended our Ancient Wisdom Modern Magic 2 day workshop and was inspired to create these incredible artworks of Spirit.

Chief Dan George…”If you talk to animals they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them, you will not know them and what you do not know, you will fear. What one fears, one destroys.”
