I Dreamed of Owl

Hawaiian OwlI dreamed of owl last night. Wasn’t too surprising as the owls have come back to nest at one of the old adobes not far from us. But, since spirit is always speaking to us, I thought it might be a good idea to pay attention.

People receive messages from Spirit www.magicmiraclesandmystery.com/messages-from-spirit/ all the time. The problem is that we don’t always listen. There’s a saying in the metaphysical world that “you always have to pay……at least with energy”. So if we ignore these subtle hints, dreams and nudges that come our way, then it’s as if our Higher Selves (www.spiritsmuse.com/yourhigherself.html) just give up trying to reach us.

Last night, we had heard the owl for the first time this season. When I went out front to see if I could locate him, I found part of its nest in the road. You can tell when an owl is around by the remains of animal skeletons in their pellets (the regurgitated, undigested parts of animals they eat).

This morning, even though I have a basic understanding of Owl medicine (www.magicmiraclesandmystery.com/totems/), I decided to get more feedback on it by doing a little research.

Two of my favorite books on animal totems are Jamie Sams, Medicine Cards: The Discovery of Power Through the Ways of Animals and Ted Andrews, Animal Speak. (http://www.spiritsmuse.com/books.html)

Owl medicine generally means: wisdom, seeing beyond the illusions of this reality, messenger from Spirit, desire to learn, reincarnation and the ability to see past the masks others wear.

Owl has been a totem of wisdom since the days when we worshipped the goddess Athena who had an owl on her shoulder in order that she might see.

Owl is also a wakeup call to deception. We have to look at whether we are deceiving ourselves or is someone attempting to deceive us. This isn’t the first time I’ve had owl fly strong into my life.

On two occasions, there was someone attempting to deceive me. One of my lessons for this life seems to be learning how to “see” the inner light and goodness in another as well as being aware that not all are walking their talk. Both of those times, I deceived myself into believing that what I was picking up energetically was an illusion. And in the end, I discovered they were deceiving me.

I think for “lightworkers” this is a common theme. We know that inside all of us is that being of light regardless of how the person behaves. Sometimes, we let that spark of light get in the way of our awareness of whether another is actually walking in their light.

One thing that really spoke to me was the idea that we must respond to what our Soul needs and wants. As Owls hunt birds, rodents and insects they are part of nature’s way of keeping the balance. In our lives, if we allow too much “stuff” to dictate our lives we get out of balance and we smother the Souls’ desire to fly.

The questions that beg to be answered become:

What can we let go of which will rid us of stagnation, boredom and inertia?

Do we have too many “things”, projects or even negative emotions dragging us down?

This follows the principles of Feng Shui. Feng Shui means the “way of wind and water”. These two forces affect everything within us as well as our external world. They may appear separate, but in reality they are the same. So when we make a change in our external world, we also create one within ourselves as well.

To allow our Soul to fly, owl could be a call to release the old in order to make way for the new. Before we can change and become that which we want, we have to remove the self-imposed obstacles we have put in our way.

I think this is the message of Owl for me. Since presenting the Ancient Wisdom Modern Magic™ www.spiritsmuse.com/ShamanicMasters.html workshop in Hawaii last December, I’ve felt myself going through a transition. Even there on the Big Island, I realized I was saying goodbye to some old connections which I had been carrying far too long.

I’ve been aware of shifts taking place on an unconscious as well as conscious level. Not always comfortable and yet I’ve felt they were necessary. Lately, there has been an acceleration of the process as if it’s all finalizing.

So the answer is that I have to stay with the process and be open to the lessons. To be in the flow of it so that my Soul can fly.

What do you need to do to set your Soul free?

To read an incredible and moving story of one man’s flight with the eagles check out Michael Kemball’s book Out Of The Blue: A true story about learning to fly, discovering your wings and setting your spirit free available at: www.SpiritsMuse.com/books (under the “Magic, Miracles and Mystery section.)
